
Chimney Inspection

Chimney Inspections are Paramount

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends homeowners have their chimneys inspected every year. While you may not need a chimney sweep every year, chimney inspections are designed to ensure your chimney is safe to operate and does not have structural integrity issues.

Chimneys are complex structures that require a professional’s insight and expertise. We do not recommend inspecting your chimney yourself since you don’t have the tools or education to spot problems that may be associated. All Day Air Duct Cleaning & Dryer Vent Cleaning’s team is educated, experienced, and well-equipped for the chimney inspection you need. We’ll be able to tell you if you need a chimney repair or cleaning after we have completed the inspection.

The Chimney Flue and Liner

During your chimney inspection, our team will thoroughly look over your liner. The chimney flue and liner are often interchanged or thought to be the same components, but they are, in fact, different. The flue is known as the vertical shaft of the chimney, while the liner is a metal or clay layer that adheres to the walls of the flue. It protects the masonry from severe deterioration and propels smoke to the top.

Why Do Chimney’s Need Liners?

Chimneys require a metal or clay lining because it protects masonry from excessive corrosion, keeps combustible materials safe, and propels the smoke up to the exit. Your liner can last up to 20 years with proper care and maintenance, inspections being a major part of that. Our inspections can spot cracks within the flue that could lead to a chimney fire or structural integrity issues. When we catch these issues early, our team is able to save you on greater costs.

Levels of Chimney Inspections

The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) lists three levels of chimney inspections. Each inspection level is recommended for various situations based on the frequency of past cleanings and inspections. Here are the three levels are broken down:

Level One: Recommended for those who receive annual inspections, level one chimney inspections cover all of the readily available parts of the chimney: firebox, damper, chimney crown, etc. Above all, the inspection ensures the integrity of the flue and structure.

Level Two: Recommended for those who have made a change to the chimney’s system. This could include a change in fuel or the addition of a new gas appliance. Level two inspections are required when the property is sold or transferred ownership. Video imaging systems may be used to inspect the inside components of the chimney, but no removal or demolition is necessary.

Level Three: Recommended when serious hazards are possible, level three inspections cover everything in the previous levels as well removal of certain components. Removing certain components allows us to gain access to areas that will help us understand potential hazards.

What Chimney Inspection Level Do I Need?

For a majority of homeowners, a level one inspection is the most common. If you haven’t used your fireplace in several years and want to start, we may recommend a level two inspection. However, you can expect a level one in most cases. Level one inspections will help you feel comfortable with continuing the use of your chimney and fireplace throughout the winter months.

Benefits of Chimney Inspections

When you neglect to have your chimney inspected on an annual basis, you can expect problems associated with the operation of your chimney and your safety. These inspections are designed to help you stay safe and reduce costs later on down the road. It will also help you feel more comfortable knowing your chimney is safe to use.

Here are the general benefits you can expect from regular chimney inspections:


  • Reduce fire hazards
  • Remove animals who have made it home
  • Maintain the structural integrity
  • Save on repair and replacement costs

Common Animals Found in Chimneys

Your chimney can act as an excellent place for an animal’s home. Chimneys without caps allow for these critters to get inside and create nests or dens. This is a serious problem during the spring and summer months when they are looking to find a home. A chimney inspection can look for signs of these animals before you start using your fireplace. The best method of preventing these intruders is to ensure your chimney cap is secure and has mesh around it.

Common types of animals found in chimneys include:


  • Birds
  • Bats
  • Squirrels
  • Raccoons
  • Rats or mice
How much does a chimney inspection cost?

According to HomeAdvisor, a chimney inspection can cost anywhere between $100 to $5,000. The price of your chimney inspection will vary on the level of inspection and issues found during the inspection. If structural integrity is suspected, we’ll have to remove parts of the chimney, which will increase the price. For an accurate estimate for your chimney inspection, give our team a call today.

Can I bundle my chimney inspection and cleaning?

Yes! In fact, we often recommend homeowners bundle their chimney inspection alongside their cleaning. It will help you save on costs and time. Contact our team today to schedule both at your convenience.

Will All Day Air Duct Cleaning & Dryer Vent Cleaning remove animals from my chimney?

No. All Day Air Duct Cleaning & Dryer Vent Cleaning does not remove animals or pests from chimneys. We recommend you contact a local pest control company to assist you. After the animals are removed, our team can perform the inspection, cleaning, or repairs as needed.

Call Our Team

Don’t hesitate to contact our team today by calling (346) 522-4905. A team member will speak to you about your chimney to better understand what you might need. From there, we’ll schedule an appointment for our team to inspect your chimney.

Email Our Team

If you would rather message us, visit our contact page to fill out the form. Give us the details of why you are contacting us, and we will get back in touch with you. We respond to messages within 48 hours. From there, we’ll schedule an appointment.

Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Services

Don’t hesitate to call All Day Air Duct Cleaning & Dryer Vent Cleaning. Our team is there for you when you need us the most!

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